Unreachable Public Palace: Çiz-gi


 It is sometimes difficult to know and perceive from which plane we are looking at a two-dimensional expression. Interpreting the expression without this information may cause lack of meaning and confusion. In addition to the angle viewed from, scale can also be misleading. If we move far enough, we can see all the lines as straight. Line; It refers to the route, the obstacle, the wall, the screen, the movement, and sometimes just the line. They can act as diverters, stoppers, rotators and blockers. The absence of a line, as well as its presence, can be a method of expression.

Just drawing boundaries, tracks and paths may be enough to define the place. The subjectivity, specificity and uniqueness of the line define the uniqueness of the space, and the lines coming together become flawlessly and expressively expressive.

While walking on a straight road, you realize that your route is not straight. The plane you look at, the bumps, gaps and coincidences will create breaks in your path.

 Although they are initially thought of as merely geographical formations, the time spent in the region affects the individual; It leads us to question concepts such as scale, illusion, time, process and linearity. The difficulty of following a linear route in a land where there is nothing comes from places where nature has disappeared. If you don't have ground to stand on, you can't move forward. Are you moving straight when you think you are moving straight?