"Imagine a place where nothing can be predicted, where time is lost. In this realm, no one knows what will happen when, living each moment in uncertainty about the next step. There, no knowledge, data, or specific resources exist; even those that do may vanish. Yet, in this darkness, people burn with hunger, thirsting for knowledge. Each individual strives tirelessly to reach, explore, and discover.
Through these collective endeavors, a commune emerges, where the incomprehensible power of nature's secrets is acknowledged. People submit to the order of nature, living in harmony with it. However, this harmony does not diminish their curiosity and desire to learn; rather, it strengthens it. For there are still many things waiting to be discovered.
In this commune, a palace rises, with sources and connections representing knowledge in every corner. Yet, even these sources and connections cannot surpass the boundaries of the unknown. With each new piece of information, more questions and opportunities for exploration arise.
However, is it possible for this palace to disappear one day? And if so, where will the acquired knowledge go? Or will another network be built in its place? Perhaps knowledge will exist not only in a place but also forever in the human mind; as an endless experience and learning process..."
Karapınar district of Konya is famous for the sinkholes formed as a result of irregular use of underground waters. Sinkholes are pits formed by the collapse of underground cavities due to excessive use of groundwater. This phenomenon has become even more prominent with the increase in water usage for agricultural activities and industry in the region. The sinkholes in Karapınar, Konya are associated with the geological structure of the region and the variability of groundwater levels. This variability, when combined with the irregular use of underground waters, encourages the formation of sinkholes, leading to the emergence of numerous sinkholes in the area.
The areas where sinkholes exist seem to be in the midst of nothingness. There are no signs of life; the topography remains untouched. The sense of scale gradually diminishes, as if one is losing the perception of size. It feels as if time is bending. With nothing around, we begin to question the order amidst disorder, and the concepts of time and space. The silence and emptiness prompt us to contemplate the irregularity of order. The concepts of time and space seem to lose their meaning in this solitude and silence. Our eyes scan the surroundings, yet all we see appears to be the darkness of infinity. In this environment, we question the relationship between humanity and nature, and the meaning of existence

Black holes are regions surrounded by a highly dense mass in space. This intense mass creates a gravitational pull so strong that it attracts everything, including light, forming a gravitational region from which even light cannot escape. Therefore, black holes remain in a dark appearance, as even light cannot escape.
Black holes can form through the collapse of stars or in the final stages of massive stars. Throughout a star's lifetime, after it consumes its nuclear fuel, its outer layers can explode outward in a supernova explosion, scattering into space. The remaining dense core can then form a black hole.
Entropy is defined as a concept in thermodynamics and is generally understood as the disorder or randomness of a system. This concept expresses the natural tendencies of physical systems: as disorder increases, the available energy in the system decreases during energy transformations, and as disorder increases, the structure and functioning of the system become more uncertain.
Architecture, inherently represents order and structure. A building or structure is usually designed and constructed within a certain order and structural integrity. However, the concept of entropy interacts with architecture, associating architectural production with complexity and variability.
a study on the concept of entropy to perceive movement
This space, formed by the convergence of concepts like black hole, uncertainty, and entropy, unfolds across the topography with a distinct dynamic. It begins to spread across the landscape, aiming to create a pattern within the terrain. However, this pattern starts with high entropy, meaning it's characterized by disorder and chaos. Over time, this disorder and chaos diminish, and the entropy decreases, leading to a more orderly and organized structure.
The movements of the topography recall this randomness, or entropy, thus reintroducing disorder and complexity. Therefore, the balance between order and disorder is maintained, perpetuating the dynamic nature of the space. The structure formed by the concept of entropy creates depth and complexity within the interior spaces. This depth and complexity encourage exploration and draw people in.
The distinctive feature of this space is its continual process of change and transformation. While entropy maintains the balance between order and disorder, the dynamism and allure of the space increase. Hence, navigating and exploring within this space is filled with a constant sense of discovery and curiosity