/palace of finding one's own journey and tranformation in the midst of the unknown
Sinkhole: The objectification of the rift and collapse in society. How?
sinkhole problem: the real sinkhole opens not underground but in the middle of humanity, society and the concept of ethics.
Karapınar: A people in a difficult situation due to water problems. about saving the day with short-term goals
Huge sinkholes created by meaningless effort. into a vicious circle in which people forget the situation they are in. An allegory of extending decay.

When I started working on pattern and texture, I thought that I could obtain an infinite variety of patterns by rotating a line at different angles. As my pattern continued, I noticed that it started to rewind in certain places and entered a loopI was creating knots as I continued to create my pattern. I wondered what it would be like if these nodes were opened and freed from the loopWhile I was thinking and trying out how to open my loops, I realized that the spiral model could be my knotted version.
In fact my concept was very related to the spiral-knot formstarted an idea with the motto of getting rid of the vicious cycles in life - repe- tition, unhappiness-hopelessness-habituation-not noticing. And this spiral could guide me to open my vicious circles.
The structure that will strengthen the design and the glass panel that will be placed inside the steel pane I are produced from regolith.
As seen in the detailed section, the steel panel, with its narrowing and expanding structure, enters the space from place to place and helps create different atmosphe- res and living spaces. It acts not only as an outer layer but also as a divider.
It also helps the transportation system by holding on to the carriers and under the floors. The narrowing and widening between the panels also provide clarity to the structure.

A space that expands and narrows and invites the movement of the observer with dramatic feelings. Q
Due to its shape, it offers the observer the op- portunity to experience everything in every aspect. Areas that are not divided by sharp lines and interconnected experience environ- ments invite action.
Bright environments filled with light and interactive, non-enclosed therapy areas offer a spacious cumulative living opportunity.
The space, which initially feels mono- tonous, expresses a spiral that does not reach an infinite place with its criti- cal space creation actions in the interior.