"Once upon a time, a group of people set out to find a sinkhole. But they soon realized that the sinkhole wasn't the only thing they were searching for."


Sinkhole sagging refers to the downward or vertical movement of the ground surface as a result of the formation of a sinkhole. A sinkhole is a depression or hole in the ground caused by the collapse of a surface layer, often due to the dissolution of underlying limestone or other soluble rocks. When the roof of an underground cavity becomes too weak to support the weight of the materials above it, it can collapse, causing the ground above to sag or sink.


The karstic water level line, which indicates the water level inside sinkholes, has significantly decreased in the Karapınar region due to drought, lack of rainfall, and excessive drilling activities. Prolonged drought and low rainfall disrupt the natural water cycle, leading to a decline in groundwater levels. Agricultural activities in the region increase the demand for water, prompting farmers to pump groundwater for irrigation, rapidly depleting water reserves. Due to overuse and insufficient replenishment, karstic water levels have permanently decreased, resulting in the water level line in sinkholes being lower. Consequently, drought, lack of rainfall, and drilling activities in Karapınar have led to a significant reduction in karstic water levels.


The idea of going on a sinkhole exploration was incredibly exciting for all of us. We couldn't believe our eyes every time we saw a sinkhole. Due to their scale, it was difficult to comprehend them. The desire to always move on to the next one gave us the strength to cover incredible distances. Each unknown and sometimes unobservable encounter in an unfamiliar environment raised numerous questions in our minds. We were curious about the answers and shared our thoughts with each other. It was this search, curiosity, and questioning that inspired me.


"The rhizome is an acentered, non-hierarchical system with multiple entryways." This quote explains the limitless and continuously expanding nature of the rhizome.

"The rhizome is a non-hierarchical model of organization; everything is interconnected." Deleuze emphasizes that the rhizome model is decentralized and based on multiple connections.

"The rhizome is a structure that is constantly moving and establishing new connections." This statement highlights the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the rhizome.


"Life is a labyrinth." Sartre emphasizes the complexity and uncertainty of life. People encounter many paths in their quest for meaning and purpose throughout their lives.

"Freedom, first of all, is a labyrinth that one creates for oneself." This quote expresses that individuals must embark on an internal journey to understand their freedom and existence.

"Man is in a constant search to discover his own existence." According to Sartre, individuals strive to find and make sense of themselves throughout their lives.


Despite being a desert and an inhospitable area, Karapınar has hosted many travelers over the years. It has been a stopping point for migratory birds and travelers on the Sufi path. 


It was placed on top of all those large and small, deep and shallow sinkholes. it offers a dominant perspective of the whole area and the terrain. it was also placed close to the land roads. from far away and from many areas, it will be seen as a piece of topography, but on the other hand, with its resemblance to the structure of -upsidedownsinkholes-, only those who are curious will be able to go near it.


Sunlight, the unique sinkhole scenery, and harmony with the land and nature were the most important to us.

Light-colored sprayed concrete was used on the shell, along with specially manufactured glass, and concrete walls that serve as load-bearing structures in some areas and sun-blocking features in others. The openings at the top were designed to allow sunlight and promote spiritual healing. The pathways in between areas were designed and sized to facilitate encounters, conversations, and personal choices.

             foundation plan                 first floor plan

             second floor plan                   shell



To reduce water usage, plumbing was installed only in a specific section.


wonder and go

A bright awakening to the day with light streaming through the openings in the ceiling and the impressive view of the sinkholes.

Waking sequence in the corridors. Awakening through interaction with various exhibits and stopover units, and communicating with the people encountered.

Work, study, and meditation activities in a quiet area.

Meditation in the open air but sheltered by wind-protecting shells.

Time for communal cooking, eating, chatting, and freely dancing in a lively area.

A bathhouse experience with short shower durations and light wetting to reduce water usage, under mutual supervision. Meanwhile, embracing nature through the window where the unused pool lies, and perceiving both the damage that nature does to itself and the harm we inflict. A bathhouse of conscience.

Socializing with people in the common area, participating in activities, and spending time focusing on our inner world with yoga-like practices. Meanwhile, a gentle nod to nature.activities, and spending time focusing on our inner world with yoga-like practices. Meanwhile, a gentle nod to nature.