Life With The Sinkhole


Karapınar is an area with harsh conditions, as it is the only region in the country with a desert climate. In addition to the water and fertile soil problems of the region, sinkholes with a wide variety of characteristics ranging from small pits to huge ditches are also present in this region, both as a danger and as a unique sight.

For the project to be carried out, the pattern studies obtained from the meanders were digitally transferred and the aim was to find the perfect form through various modeling experiments.

While one side of the selected sinkhole is completely rocky with indentations and protrusions, the other side is a soil area where a much flatter ground changes with the slope. 

With the design decisions placed to the north of the sinkhole, the cliffs are directly visible.

Although Karapınar's salty soil makes agriculture difficult here, 'every flower blooms in its own soil'. There are plants that love this salty soil, that will bud, develop and grow here with all their productive aspects and form an ecosystem. Studies carried out on this subject have revealed that tamarisk, betne, ezgen, tulpembe, thickcirim, narindusk, trumpet, dried fruit, chuvan, eldergeren, etlisoda, forkci and yatikateştopu plants are tolerant to salinity and are consumed by small cattle.

One of the starting points of the project is the aim of designing an area where these studies can continue, be further developed and where their experiments can be carried out. One of the main goals of the project was to become one with nature, to move and stand with it in the area located right in the middle of the untouched nature.
The frightening appearance of the sinkholes, their absorbing atmosphere, the desire to get closer as they get closer, and the desire to go down even further as they get deeper into them, can make the situation more dangerous. In design, it is not descending to the sinkhole, but rising with it, depending on it, but escaping and moving away from it at a point, and at the point where it moves away the most (rising), the opposite approach is taken, turning towards and descending towards it...

Areas have been created where visitors to the region can obtain information on these subjects and participate in experiments.






