Displaced Planes / Sinkhole Frames

Volumetric Displacements

First, planned to model and 3D print the previous model as flowing parts that linearized with the wireframe command and overlapping them. In this way, the aim was an output in which the veins moving on a plate overlapped in the form of rounded rectangular cylinders. 


Blender Pipe Models

but I had to try another technique, thinking that it was not a sufficient strategy to reduce the complexity of the previous model. While trying to preserve the  precision of the pipes I modeled, it was impossible to overlap on a plane without experiencing too much elevation on a plate with overlapping.

started to question the  porous pattern while experimenting on whether I could meet the behavior of the flow in the drawing texture with the porousness. 

Porous Parameters

or what would happen if it was3D printed, volumetrically experimented in real 3D mock-ups

Twisted Porousness (3D print)

Started to experiment with what kind of results it would give if produced a hollow object and made the mass frames move and flow. 


Anchorage Wires

 Could similar results be achieved with thin wires as the wireframed 3D model? Attempts were made to question whether it could work like a plate if placed with anchorages and the output was compressed vertically.
in a nutshell: an attempt to flatten it

Plaster Mock-up

The flows in the drawing, the scaled and overlaid versions of the blob series placed on the plate, and the wall thickness of the frame of the plate were also attempted to be made of plaster imitating sinkhole tectonics.

Displaced Planes / Sinkhole Frames

If I 3D print the indented and protruding texture of the sinkhole, which I wanted to give in the previous mock-up with plaster on the outside, with the surface I made with blender plane displacement methods at the beginning?