The experiment examines the potential of producing new textures on paper with a smooth and flat texture by creating light-shadow, folding marks and tearing forms with different folding techniques, gluing patterns and tearing topologies.
(texture of black paper folded with different technique)
(texture of brown paper folded with different technique)
(texture of white paper folded with different technique)
Adds a layer of texture to plain paper by creating light and shadow by folding.
As the glue dries, the paper is enabled to take a certain shape. A soft, hard and sharp rising or falling topology creates the newly formed texture.
It creates random gaps created by tearing the paper, and layers of paper appear between the paper and the gap. The resulting layer and tear form new texture.
Displacement of Paper Textures (blender)
(glued paper displacement)
(torn paper displacement)(glued and folded paper displacement)(glued and torn paper displacement)
- Paper texture, which is flat and smooth, can create new texture combinations by folding, gluing and torn.
- Sharper and more rigid texture types are created by folding.
- It creates new types of textures by creating soft topologies using glue.
- By torning, it reveals layers of paper and creates space. It creates texture types with the randomness of these two.