nodes to voids, voids to...


the story of a transition... 
let's start with a tiny sketch.. 
this sketch is an attempt to create a pattern that consisting of networks, nodes and surfaces. these components come together with changing parameters ( angle, form, lenght, orientation, quantity..) and some kind of neural network occurs. 

model I : ‘the neuron network’ giant nodes (volumes) with their connections

then… what can we get when we simplfy the model to the two-dimensional pattern?

we get a system of occupancies and vacancies. but, which one corresponds to which one?

now, lets define the same system with the exact opposite definitons, and exaggerate the circular forms..

minimalize the circles, open up the distances between them and thicken the networks..

reduce these networks to nodes and refine the newly formed networks..

that is how we get at the end.. this pattern turns into the potential to become a new space by changing the definition of occupancy, turning upside down and gaining volume. in the example model, black areas were  accepted as volumes, white areas created voids and an alternative pattern-space was created. 

formation logic of the pattern-volume

model II : markings of the pattern, on a sinkhole, as a cloud.