Pattern Diagram
Field Model
As a site, the agricultural field near to Kalyon is chosen for model .
Last Prayer's Farm
When there is no one left to worship in the world, the apocalypse will occur. The purpose of this community's existence is indeed this, albeit for selfish reasons; they worship (engage in agriculture) for their own needs. When the last person engaged in agriculture gives up, it spells doomsday for this society. This could be a local apocalypse narrative, specific to Konya or this community, or it could be a global apocalypse for humanity.
Llewellyn Vaughan Lee, in his book "Spiritual Ecology: The Crying of the Earth" (a compilation of articles), discusses how the world is being dragged towards a point of no return, and how people are slowly beginning to hear the cries of nature (such as natural disasters, storms, famine, and global warming), with some endeavoring to amplify these cries (physically and intellectually). He emphasizes the need for individuals or communities to take action and start acting as guardians of the Earth, even pressuring those who lead society in this regard.
Chif Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan of the Onondaga Nation, advocates for learning to stop fighting against Mother Nature and instead embracing a respectful and grateful attitude towards her, while also finding joy in doing so.
The calligraphy redrawed and patternized.
Then pattern extruded to third dimension, while the first one is the extrusion of the pattern with different levels, second is a complex palace with continuous solids and volids.