asefal (kafasız)
a building that could grow forever if left
using pattern and textures
trying to capture repetitive patterns X
repetition with certain variations - different scales-
a multiplying pattern space
multiple layouts
--- intersections
attempt -1
quite complex,
does not follow a specific pattern
does not depend on specific parameters
it tries to follow a certain pattern
is not easily read,
with confusion within its own units.
with the model trial made in blender,
it can be traced more easily
in a more controlled manner
depending on some parameters.
in this model, which was inspired by the dunes in 'Örnektepe',
it tries to capture a certain pattern based on the folds,
the linearity is to the point of creating a bit of confusion.
the attempt with the most pattern quality. it can vary around many parameters.
the nodes are getting further and further away from each other,
their heights are also changing with the same understanding.
the surfaces between the nodes vary.
the frequency of the number of surfaces
the porous, permeable structure are some of the other parameters.