The first trial was about finding clouds, now we try to understand therefore manipulate them. One of the clouds I experimented is above. The first photoghraph is just about trying to find a tiny point where life can flourish.
First trials with modifiers of Blender;
(First Pictures blender top view with displacement)
(First Pictures blender render with displacement)
(Trying to play with textures and points)
Water in the middle feeled necessary at that point
And maybe fishing in this environment?!
(Rounding the shape to see the change of topghraphy)
(Rounding the shape with a different texture to have two clouds intersect)
(Getting affected by 8 spruce having two clouds intersect)
(Twisting the geometry to see the holes change)
(Adding wirefire + emtying the texturde with vertex weight proximity)
[Trying to intersect two clouds(grids with wireframe + hills with displacement)]
The second experiment was to control the images' contrast therefore the cloud. The image below was the anchor point of the second session of experiments.
(Adding displacement and triangles to the wireframes)
(Adding displacement and triangles to the wireframes
with more subdivison and thinner lines)
(Using lattice modifier to deform the topoghraphy and adding another geometry accordingly
with shrinkwrap modifier)
( Playing with the voids and subidividing it even more)
( Inverting the geometry and using weight proximity for outer broders)
( Playing with the voids and changing displacement ratio)
( Wrapping the geometry in itself)
( Using wireframe & lattice & weight proximity to have thicker lines in the middle
and thinner lines at the edges)
( Using wireframe & hook & weight proximity to have thicker lines in the middle
and thinner lines at the edges)
( Using Laplacian Deform to create inclination)
(Using hook & weight proximity and textures to create a ice dwelling affect)
(With Twist modifier for no reason honesty :))
(Creating ice affect with Shrinkwrap)
(Using hook & weight proximity and textures to create a ice dwelling affect
with another texture)
(Using wireframe & weight proximity to empty the clouds as necessary)
(Using wireframe & weight proximity to empty the clouds as necessary)